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From Troilus and Criseyde, Book III, lines 918-980:
Pandarus leads Troilus into Criseyde's room, praises Troilus' good manners and leaves the room
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Geoffrey Chaucer (1342 - 1400):
Troilus and Criseyde
Book III, lines 981-1057: Troilus and Criseyde discuss the meaning of love and jealousy

Criseyde, that was Troilus lady right,
And cleer stood on a ground of sikernesse,
Al thoughte she, hir servaunt and hir knight
Ne sholde of right non untrouthe in hir gesse,
985Yet nathelees, considered his distresse,
And that love is in cause of swich folye,
Thus to him spak she of his jalousye:

`Lo, herte myn, as wolde the excellence
Of love, ayeins the which that no man may,
990Ne oughte eek goodly maken resistence
And eek bycause I felte wel and say
Youre grete trouthe, and servyse every day;
And that your herte al myn was, sooth to seyne,
This droof me for to rewe upon your peyne.

995`And your goodnesse have I founde alwey yit,
Of whiche, my dere herte and al my knight,
I thonke it yow, as fer as I have wit,
Al can I nought as muche as it were right;
And I, emforth my konnynge and my might,
1000Have and ay shal, how sore that me smerte,
Ben to yow trewe and hool, with a myn herte;

`And dredelees, that shal be founde at preve. --
But, herte myn, what al this is to seyne
Shal wel be told, so that ye noght yow greve,
1005Though I to yow right on yourself compleyne.
For therwith mene I fynally the peyne,
That halt your herte and myn in hevynesse,
Fully to sleen, and every wrong redresse.

`My goode, myn, not I for-why ne how
1010That jalousye, allas! That wikked wivere,
Thus causelees is cropen into yow;
The harm of which I wolde fayn delivere!
Allas! That he, al hool, or of him slivere,
Shuld have his refut in so digne a place,
1015Ther Jove him sone out of your herte arace!

`But O, thou Jove, O auctor of nature,
Is this an honour to thy deitee,
That folk ungiltif suffren here iniure,
And who that giltif is, al quit goth he?
1020O were it leful for to pleyne on thee,
That undeserved suffrest jalousye,
Of that I wolde up-on thee pleyne and crye!

`Eek al my wo is this, that folk now usen
To seyn right thus, "Ye, jalousye is love!"
1025And wolde a busshel venim al excusen,
For that o greyn of love is on it shove!
But that woot heighe God that sit above,
If it be lyker love, or hate, or grame;
And after that, it oughte bere his name.

1030`But certeyn is, som maner jalousye
Is excusable more than som, y-wis.
As whan cause is, and som swich fantasye
With pietee so wel repressed is,
That it unnethe dooth or seyth amis,
1035But goodly drinketh up al his distresse;
And that excuse I, for the gentilesse.

`And som so ful of furie is and despit
That it sourmounteth his repressioun;
But herte myn, ye be not in that plit,
1040That thanke I God, for whiche your passioun
I wol not calle it but illusioun,
Of habundaunce of love and bisy cure,
That dooth your herte this disese endure.

`Of which I am right sory but not wrooth;
1045But, for my devoir and your hertes reste,
Wher-so yow list, by ordal or by ooth,
By sort, or in what wyse so yow leste,
For love of God, lat preve it for the beste!
And if that I be giltif, do me deye,
1050Allas! What mighte I more doon or seye?'

With that a fewe brighte teeres newe
Owt of hir eyen fille, and thus she seyde,
`Now God, thou woost, in thought ne dede untrewe
To Troilus was never yet Criseyde.'
1055With that hir heed doun in the bed she leyde,
And with the shete it wreigh, and syghed sore,
And held hir pees; not o word spak she more.

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From Troilus and Criseyde, Book III, lines 1058-1141:
Pandarus brings Troilus and Criseyde together