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From Troilus and Criseyde, Book III, lines 750-917:
Pandarus urges Criseyde to quench Troilus' desire as no person except Pandarus knows about Troilus' presence in the house
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Geoffrey Chaucer (1342 - 1400):
Troilus and Criseyde
Book III, lines 918-980: Pandarus leads Troilus into Criseyde's room, praises Troilus' good manners and leaves the room

This accident so pitous was to here,
And eek so lyk a sooth, at pryme face,
920And Troilus hir knight to hir so dere,
His privee coming, and the siker place,
That, though that she dide him as thanne a grace,
Considered alle thinges as they stode,
No wonder is, syn she dide al for goode.

925Criseyde answerde, `As wisly God at reste
My soule bringe, as me is for him wo!
And eem, y-wis, fayn wolde I doon the beste,
If that I hadde grace to do so.
But whether that ye dwelle or for him go,
930I am, til God me bettre minde sende,
At dulcarnon, right at my wittes ende.'

Quod Pandarus, `Ye, nece, wol ye here?
Dulcarnon called is "fleminge of wrecches";
It semeth hard, for wrecches wol not lere
935For verray slouthe or othere wilful tecches;
This seyd by hem that be not worth two fecches.
But ye ben wys, and that we han on honde
Nis neither hard, ne skilful to withstonde.'

`Thanne, eem,' quod she, `dooth herof as yow list;
940But er he come, I wil up first aryse;
And, for the love of God, syn al my trist
Is on yow two, and ye ben bothe wyse,
So wircheth now in so discreet a wyse,
That I honour may have, and he plesaunce;
945For I am here al in your governaunce.'

`That is wel seyd,' quod he, `my nece dere'
Ther good thrift on that wyse gentil herte!
But liggeth stille, and taketh him right here,
It nedeth not no ferther for him sterte;
950And ech of yow ese otheres sorwes smerte,
For love of God; and, Venus, I the herie;
For sone hope I we shulle ben alle merie.'

This Troilus ful sone on knees him sette
Ful sobrely, right be hir beddes heed,
955And in his beste wyse his lady grette;
But lord, so she wex sodeynliche reed!
Ne, though men sholden smyten of hir heed,
She koude nought a word a-right out-bringe
So sodeynly, for his sodeyn cominge.

960But Pandarus, that so wel coude fele
In every thing, to pleye anoon bigan,
And seyde, `Nece, see how this lord can knele!
Now, for your trouthe, seeth this gentil man!'
And with that word he for a quisshen ran,
965And seyde, `Kneleth now, whyl that yow leste,
Ther God your hertes bringe sone at reste!'

Can I not seyn, for she bad him not ryse,
If sorwe it putte out of hir remembraunce,
Or elles that she toke it in the wyse
970Of duetee, as for his observaunce;
But wel finde I she dide him this plesaunce,
That she him kiste, al-though she syked sore;
And bad him sitte a-doun with-outen more.

Quod Pandarus, `Now wol ye wel biginne;
975Now doth him sitte, goode nece dere,
Upon your beddes syde al there withinne,
That ech of yow the bet may other here.'
And with that word he drow him to the fere,
And took a light, and fond his contenaunce,
980As for to loke up-on an old romaunce.

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From Troilus and Criseyde, Book III, lines 981-1057:
Troilus and Criseyde discuss the meaning of love and jealousy