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From The Canon's Yeoman's Tale, lines 587-602:
The materials are brought in and the canon begins his work
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Canon's Yeoman's Tale
lines 603-622: The canon's trick

       "Graunt mercy," quod the preest, and was ful glad,
And couched coles as that the chanoun bad.
605And while he bisy was, this feendly wrecche,
This false chanoun - the foule feend hym fecche! -
Out of his bosom took a bechen cole,
In which ful subtilly was maad an hole,
And therinne put was of silver lemaille
610An ounce, and stopped was, withouten faille,
This hole with wex, to kepe the lemaille in.
And understondeth that this false gyn
Was nat maad ther, but it was maad bifore;
And othere thynges I shal tellen moore
615Herafterward, whiche that he with hym broghte.
Er he cam there, hym to bigile he thoghte,
And so he dide, er that they wente atwynne;
Til he had terved hym, koude he nat blynne.
It dulleth me whan that I of hym speke.
620On his falshede fayn wolde I me wreke,
If I wiste how, but he is heere and there;
He is so variaunt, be abit nowhere.
       "Thank you," the priest replied, and was right glad,
And heaped the coals up as the canon bade.
605And while he laboured thus, this fiendish wretch,
This canon false- may the foul devil him fetch!-
Out of his bosom took a beechen coal,
Wherein right cunningly he'd bored a hole
In which, before, he'd put of silver limail
610An ounce, and which he'd stopped up, without fail,
With blackened wax, to keep the filings in.
And understand you well that this false gin
Was not made there, but it was made before;
And there were other things I'll tell you more
615About hereafter, which with him he'd brought;
Before he came there, to cheat he'd taken thought,
And before they parted he did even so;
Till he had skinned him he could not forgo.
It wearies me when of him I do speak,
620For on his falsehood I myself would wreak,
If I knew how; but he is here and there;
He is so restless he abides nowhere.

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From The Canon's Yeoman's Tale, lines 623-670:
The priest falls for the trick