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From The Wife of Bath's Prologue, lines 593-632:
The funeral of the fourth husband
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Wife of Bath's Prologue
lines 633-652: The clerk becomes the Wife of Bath's fifth husband

       What sholde I seye, but at the monthes ende
This joly clerk Jankyn, that was so hende
635Hath wedded me with greet solempnytee,
And to hym yaf I al the lond and fee
That evere was me yeven therbifoore;
But afterward repented me ful soore;
He nolde suffre nothyng of my list.
640By God, he smoot me ones on the lyst
For that I rente out of his book a leef,
That of the strook myn ere wax al deef.
Stibourne I was as is a leonesse,
And of my tonge a verray jangleresse,
645And walke I wolde, as I had doon biforn,
From hous to hous, although he had it sworn,
For which he often-tymes wolde preche,
And me of olde Romayn geestes teche,
How he Symplicius Gallus lefte his wyf,
650And hir forsook for terme of al his lyf,
Noght but for open-heveded he hir say,
Lookynge out at his dore, upon a day.
      What should I say now, save, at the month's end,
This jolly, gentle, Jenkin clerk, my friend,
635Has married me full ceremoniously,
And to him gave I all the land in fee
That ever had been given me before;
But, later I repented me full sore.
He never suffered me to have my way.
640By God, he hit me on the ear, one day,
Because I tore out of his book a leaf,
So that from this my ear is grown quite deaf.
Stubborn I was as is a lioness,
And with my tongue a very jay, I guess,
645And walk I would, as I had done before,
From house to house, though I should not, he swore.
For which he oftentimes would sit and preach
And read old Roman tales to me and teach
How one Sulpicius Gallus left his wife
650And her forsook for term of all his life
Because he saw her with bared head, I say,
Looking out from his door, upon a day.

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From The Wife of Bath's Prologue, lines 653-716:
Old men should read and write, young men should play with their wives