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From The Tale of Sir Thopas, lines 201-228:
Sir Thopas rides out again
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Tale of Sir Thopas
lines 229-238: The Host interrupts Chaucer

Heere the Hoost stynteth Chaucer of his Tale of Thopas.

       "Namoore of this, for Goddes dignitee,"
230Quod oure Hooste, "for thou makest me
So wery of thy verray lewednesse,
That also wisly God my soule blesse,
Min eres aken of thy drasty speche.
Now swich a rym the devel I biteche!
235This may wel be rym dogerel," quod he.
       "Why so?" quod I, "why wiltow lette me
Moore of my tale than another man
Syn that it is the beste tale I kan?"
       "No more of this, for God's high dignity!"
230Exclaimed our host, "For you, sir, do make me
So weary with your vulgar foolishness
That, as may God so truly my soul bless,
My two ears ache from all your worthless speech;
Now may such rhymes the devil have, and each!
235This sort of thing is doggerel," said he.
       "Why so?" I asked, "Why will you hinder me
In telling tales more than another man,
Since I have told the best rhyme that I can?"

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From The Tale of Sir Thopas, lines 239-252:
The Host suggests that Chaucer should tell a tale in prose