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From The Summoner's Tale, lines 480-491:
Thomas farts thunderously in the friar's hand
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Summoner's Tale
lines 492-511: The insulted friar is chased away by Thomas' servants and meets the lord of the village

       His meynee, whiche that herden this affray,
Cam lepynge in and chaced out the frere;
And forth he gooth, with a ful angry cheere,
495And fette his felawe, ther as lay his stoor.
He looked as it were a wilde boor;
He grynte with his teeth, so was he wrooth.
A sturdy paas doun to the court he gooth,
Wher as ther woned a man of greet honour,
500To whom that he was alwey confessour.
This worthy man was lord of that village.
This frere cam as he were in a rage,
Where as this lord sat etyng at his bord;
Unnethes myghte the frere speke a word,
505Til atte laste he seyde, "God yow see!"
       This lord gan looke, and seide, "Benedicitee!
What, frere John, what maner world is this?
I se wel that som thyng ther is amys;
Ye looken as the wode were ful of thevys.
510Sit doun anon, and tel me what youre grief is,
And it shal been amended, if I may."
       The servants, who had heard all this affray,
Came leaping in and chased the friar out;
And forth he scowling went, with angry shout,
495And found his fellow, where he'd left his store.
He glared about as he were some wild boar;
He ground and gnashed his teeth, so wroth was he.
He quickly sought the manor, there to see
The lord thereof, whose honour was the best,
500And always to the friar he confessed;
This worthy man was lord of that village.
The friar came, as he were in a rage,
Where sat the lord at dinner at his board.
And hardly could the friar speak a word,
505Till at the last he said, "God be with ye!"
       This lord looked up and said then, "Ben'cite!
What, Friar John! What kind of world is this?
I see right well that something is amiss.
You look as if the wood were full of thieves,
510Sit down, and tell me what it is that grieves,
And it shall be amended, if I may."

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From The Summoner's Tale, lines 512-535:
The friar shares his thoughts with his hosts