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From The Squire's Tale, lines 347-392:
Canace rises early and goes for a walk in the park
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Squire's Tale
lines 393-408: The scenery and subject of this tale

      The vapour, which that fro the erthe glood,
Made the sonne to seme rody and brood;
395But natheless, it was so fair a sighte
That it made alle hir hertes for to lighte,
What for the sesoun and the morwenynge,
And for the foweles that she herde synge;
For right anon she wiste what they mente
400Right by hir song, and knew al hir entente.
      The knotte, why that every tale is toold,
If it be taried til that lust be coold
Of hem that han it after herkned yoore,
The savour passeth ever lenger the moore,
405For fulsomnesse of his prolixitee;
And by the same resoun thynketh me,
I sholde to the knotte condescende,
And maken of hir walkyng soone an ende.
      The morning mists that rose from the damp earth
Reddened the sun and broadened it in girth;
395Nevertheless it was so fair a sight
That it made all their hearts dance for delight,
What of the season and the fair morning,
And all the myriad birds that she heard sing;
For when she heard, she knew well what they meant,
400Just by their songs, and learned all their intent.
      The point of every story, why it's told,
If it's delayed till interest grow cold
In those who have, perchance, heard it before,
The savour passes from it more and more,
405For fulsomeness of its prolixity.
And for this reason, as it seems to me,
I should to my tale's major point descend
And make of these girls' walking a swift end.

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From The Squire's Tale, lines 409-446:
Canace meets a wounded female falcon