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From The Manciple's Tale, lines 183-186:
An example about a female wolf
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Manciple's Tale
lines 187-195: About the purpose of the previous examples

       Alle thise ensamples speke I by thise men,
That been untrewe, and no thyng by wommen,
For men han evere a likerous appetit
190On lower thyng to parfourne hire delit,
Than on hire wyves, be they nevere so faire,
Ne nevere so trewe, ne so debonaire.
Flessh is so newefangel, with meschaunce,
That we ne konne in no thyng han plesaunce
195That sowneth into vertu any while.
       All these examples speak I of these men
Who are untrue, and not of sweet women.
For men have always a lickerish appetite
190On lower things to do their base delight
Than on their wives, though they be ne'er so fair
And never so true and never so debonair.
Flesh is so fickle, lusting beyond measure,
That we in no one thing can long have pleasure
195Or virtuous keep more than a little while.

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From The Manciple's Tale, lines 196-202:
Phoebus' wife has a secret lover