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From The Friar's Prologue, lines 1-21:
The Friar comments on the WoB's tale and announces a story about a summoner
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Friar's Prologue
lines 22-36: The Summoner says he will repay the friar later

       Oure Hoost tho spak, "A, sire, ye sholde be hende
And curteys, as a man of youre estaat;
In compaignye we wol have no debaat.
25Telleth youre tale, and lat the somonour be."
       "Nay," quod the Somonour, "lat hym seye to me
What so hym list; whan it comth to me lot,
By God, I shal hym quiten every grot.
I shal hym tellen which a greet honour
30It is to be a flaterynge lymytour;
And eek of many another manere cryme
Which nedeth nat rehercen at this tyme;
And his office I shal hym telle, ywis."
       Our host then spoke: "O sir, you should attend
To courtesy, like man of your estate;
In company here we will have no debate.
25Tell forth your tale and let the summoner be."
       "Nay," said the summoner, "let him say to me
What pleases him; when it falls to my lot,
By God I'll then repay him, every jot.
I'll then make plain to him what great honour
30It is to be a flattering limiter;
And also of many other ways of crime
Which do not have to be repeated at this time
I'll certainly tell him what his business is."
       Oure Hoost answerde, "Pees, namoore of this!"
35And after this he seyde unto the Frere,
"Tel forth youre tale, my leeve maister deere."
       Our host replied: "Oh peace, no more of this!"
35And after that he said unto the friar:
"Tell now your tale to us, good master dear."

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From The Friar's Tale, lines 37-67:
About a treacherous summoner