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From The Franklin's Tale, lines 531-552:
The two brothers and the wizard go back to Brittany
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Franklin's Tale
lines 553-588: The wizard performs his conjuring: the black costal rocks are vanished

       This subtil clerk swich routhe had of this man,
That nyght and day he spedde hym that he kan
555To wayten a tyme of his conclusioun,
This is to seye, to maken illusioun
By swich an apparence or jogelrye -
I ne kan no termes of astrologye -
That she and every wight sholde wene and seye
560That of Britaigne the rokkes were aweye,
Or ellis they were sonken under grounde.
So atte laste he hath his tyme yfounde
To maken hise japes and his wrecchednesse
Of swich a supersticious cursednesse.
565Hise tables Tolletanes forth he brought,
Ful wel corrected, ne ther lakked nought,
Neither his collect ne hise expans yeeris,
Ne his rootes, ne hise othere geeris,
As been his centris and hise argumentz,
570And hise proporcioneles convenientz
For hise equacions in every thyng.
And by his eighte speere in his wirkyng
He knew ful wel how fer Alnath was shove
Fro the heed of thilke fixe Aries above
575That in the ninthe speere considered is.
Ful subtilly he kalkuled al this.
       This subtle clerk such ruth had for this man,
That night and day he sped about his plan,
555To wait the proper time for his conclusion;
That is to say, the time to make illusion,
By such devices of his jugglery -
I understand not this astrology -
That she and everyone should think and say
560That all the Breton rocks were gone away,
Or else that they were sunken underground.
So at the last the proper time he found
To do his tricks and all his wretchedness
Of such a superstitious wickedness.
565For his Toletan Tables forth he brought,
All well corrected, and he lacked in naught,
The years collected nor the separate years,
Nor his known roots, nor any other gears,
As, say, his centres and his argument,
570And his proportionals convenient
In estimating truly his equations.
       The eighth sphere showed him in his calculations
How far removed was Alnath, passing by,
From head of that fixed Aries on high,
575That in the ninth great sphere considered is;
Right cleverly he calculated this.
       Whan he hadde founde his firste mansioun,
He knew the remenaunt by proporcioun,
And knew the arisyng of his moone weel,
580And in whos face and terme, and everydeel;
And knew ful weel the moones mansioun
Acordaunt to his operacioun,
And knew also hise othere observaunces
For swiche illusiouns and swiche meschaunces
585As hethen folk useden in thilke dayes;-
For which no lenger maked he delayes,
But thurgh his magik, for a wyke or tweye,
It semed that alle the rokkes were aweye.
       When he the moon's first mansion thus had found,
The rest proportionally he could expound;
And knew the moon's arising-time right well,
580And in what face and term, and all could tell;
This gave him then the mansion of the moon-
He worked it out accordingly right soon,
And did the other necessary rites
To cause illusions and such evil sights
585As heathen peoples practised in those days.
Therefore no longer suffered he delays,
But all the rocks by magic and his lore
Appeared to vanish for a week or more.

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From The Franklin's Tale, lines 589-630:
Aurelius goes to Dorigen and tells her he has done the impossible