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From The Franklin's Tale, lines 271-280:
Dorigen rejects Aurelius' love
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Franklin's Tale
lines 281-297: To receive her love, Dorigen demands the impossible from Aurelius

       "Aurelie," quod she, "by heighe God above,
Yet wolde I graunte yow to been youre love,
Syn I yow se so pitously complayne.
Looke, what day that endelong Britayne
285Ye remoeve alle the rokkes, stoon by stoon,
That they ne lette shipe ne boot to goon, -
I seye, whan ye han maad the coost so clene
Of rokkes that ther nys no stoon ysene,
Thanne wol I love yow best of any man,
290Have heer my trouthe in al that evere I kan."
       "Is ther noon oother grace in yow?" quod he.
       "No, by that lord," quod she, "that maked me;
For wel I woot that it shal nevere bityde;
Lat swiche folies out of your herte slyde.
295What deyntee sholde a man han in his lyf
For to go love another mannes wyf,
That hath hir body whan so that hym liketh?"
       "Aurelius," said she, "by God above,
Yet would I well consent to be your love,
Since I hear you complain so piteously,
On that day when, from coasts of Brittany,
285You've taken all the black rocks, stone by stone,
So that they hinder ship nor boat - I own,
I say, when you have made the coast so clean
Of rocks that there is no stone to be seen,
Then will I love you best of any man;
290Take here my promise - all that ever I can."
       "Is there no other grace in you?" asked he.
       "No, by that Lord," said she, "Who has made me!
For well I know that it shall ne'er betide.
Let suchlike follies out of your heart slide.
295What pleasure can a man have in his life
Who would go love another man's own wife,
That has her body when he wishes it?"

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From The Franklin's Tale, lines 298-322:
Aurelius goes and the feast continues