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From The Cook's Prologue, lines 1-19:
The Cook comments on the Reeve's tale
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Cook's Prologue
lines 20-40: The Host asks the Cook to tell the next tale

20        Oure Hoost answerde and seide, "I graunte it thee,
Now telle on, Roger, looke that it be good,
For many a pastee hastow laten blood,
And many a Jakke of Dovere hastow soold
That hath been twies hoot and twies coold.
25Of many a pilgrim hastow Cristes curs,
For of thy percely yet they fare the wors,
That they han eten with thy stubbel goos,
For in thy shoppe is many a flye loos.
Now telle on, gentil Roger, by thy name,
30But yet I pray thee, be nat wroth for game;
A man may seye ful sooth in game and pley."
20       Our host replied: "I grant it readily.
Now tell on, Roger; see that it be good;
For many a pasty have you robbed of blood,
And many a Jack of Dover have you sold
That has been heated twice and twice grown cold.
25From many a pilgrim have you had Christ's curse,
For of your parsley they yet fare the worse,
Which they have eaten with your stubble goose;
For in your shop full many a fly is loose.
Now tell on, gentle Roger, by your name.
30But yet, I pray, don't mind if I make game,
A man may tell the truth when it's in play."
       "Thou seist ful sooth," quod Roger, "by my fey;
But `sooth pley quaad pley,' as the Flemyng seith.
And therfore, Herry Bailly, by thy feith,
35Be thou nat wrooth, er we departen heer,
Though that my tale be of an hostileer.
But nathelees I wol nat telle it yit,
But er we parte, ywis, thou shalt be quit."
And ther-with-al he lough and made cheere,
40And seyde his tale, as ye shul after heere.
       "You say the truth," said Roger, "by my fay!
But 'true jest, bad jest' as the Fleming saith.
And therefore, Harry Bailey, on your faith,
35Be you not angry before we finish here,
If my tale should concern an inn-keeper.
Nevertheless, I'll tell not that one yet,
But before we part your jokes will I upset."
And thereon did he laugh, in great good cheer,
40And told his tale, as you shall hereafter hear.

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From The Cook's Tale, lines 041-098:
About an apprentice called Perkin Reveller