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From The Clerk's Tale, lines 918-938:
Griselda endures her fate and nothing distorts her mind and integrity
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Clerk's Tale
lines 939-966: Walter tests Griselda once again and asks her to be a servant
in order to receive his new wife according to her stature

Pars sexta.
Sixth part

       Fro Boloigne is this Erl of Panyk come,
940Of which the fame up sprang to moore and lesse,
And in the peples eres, alle and some,
Was kouth eek that a newe markysesse
He with hym broghte, in swich pompe and richesse,
That nevere was ther seyn with mannes eye
945So noble array in al Westlumbardye.
       Now from Bologna is Panago come,
940Whereof the word spread unto great and less,
And in the ears of people, all and some,
It was told, too, that a new marchioness
Came with him, in such pomp and such richness
That never had been seen with human eye
945So noble array in all West Lombardy.

       The markys, which that shoop and knew al this,
Er that this Erl was come, sente his message
For thilke sely povre Grisildis;
And she with humble herte and glad visage,
950Nat with no swollen thoght in hire corage
Cam at his heste, and on hir knees hire sette,
And reverently and wysely she hym grette.
       The marquis, who had planned and knew all this,
Before this count was come, a message sent
To poor Griselda, who had lost her bliss;
With humble heart and features glad she went
950And on her knees before her lord she bent.
No pride of thought did her devotion dim;
She wisely and with reverence greeted him.

       "Grisilde," quod he, "my wyl is outrely
This mayden, that shal wedded been to me,
955Received be to-morwe as roially
As it possible is in myn hous to be;
And eek that every wight in his degree
Have his estaat in sittyng and servyse
And heigh plesaunce, as I kan best devyse.
       He said, "Griselda, hear what I shall say:
This maiden, who'll be wedded unto me,
955Shall be received with splendour of array
As royally as in my house may be,
And, too, that everyone in his degree
Have his due rank in seating and service,
And high pleasance, as I can best devise.

960        I have no wommen, suffisaunt, certayn,
The chambres for t'arraye in ordinaunce
After my lust, and therfore wolde I fayn
That thyn were al swich manere governaunce;
Thou knowest eek of olde al my plesaunce,
965Thogh thyn array be badde and yvel biseye,
Do thou thy devoir at the leeste weye."
960        I have not serving women adequate
To set the rooms in order as I would.
And so I wish you here to regulate
All matters of the sort as mistress should.
You know of old the ways I think are good,
965And though you're clothed in such a slattern's way,
Go do at least your duty as you may."

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From The Clerk's Tale, lines 967-980:
Griselda submits herself once again and cleans the house