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From The Clerk's Tale, lines 351-364:
Griselda consents
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Clerk's Tale
lines 365-392: The wedding of Walter and Griselda

365        "This is ynogh, Grisilde myn," quod he,
And forth he gooth with a ful sobre cheere
Out at the dore, and after that cam she;
And to the peple he seyde in this manere,
"This is my wyf," quod he, "that standeth heere;
370Honoureth hir, and loveth hir, I preye,
Whoso me loveth; ther is namoore to seye."
365        "This is enough, Griselda mine," cried he.
And forth he went then with full sober cheer
Out at the door, and after him came she,
And to the people who were waiting near,
"This is my wife," he said, "who's standing here.
370Honour her, all, and love her, all, I pray,
Who love me; and there is no more to say."

       And for that nothyng of hir olde geere
She sholde brynge into his hous, he bad
That wommen sholde dispoillen hir right theere;-
375Of which thise ladyes were nat right glad
To handle hir clothes, wherinne she was clad.
But nathelees, this mayde bright of hewe
Fro foot to heed they clothed han al newe.
       And so that nothing of her former gear
She should take with her to his house, he bade
That women strip her naked then and there;
375Whereat these ladies were not over-glad
To handle clothes wherein she had been clad.
Nevertheless, this maiden bright of hue
From head to foot they clothed her all anew.

       Hir heris han they kembd, that lay untressed
380Ful rudely, and with hir fyngres smale
A corone on hir heed they han ydressed,
And sette hir ful of nowches grete and smale.
Of hire array what sholde I make a tale?
Unnethe the peple hire knew for hir fairnesse
385Whan she translated was in swich richesse.
       Her hair they combed and brushed, which fell untressed
380All artlessly, and placed a coronal
With their small fingers on her head, and dressed
Her robes with many jewels great and small;
Of her array how shall I tell withal?
Scarcely the people knew her for fairness,
385So transformed was she in her splendid dress.

       This markys hath hir spoused with a ryng
Broght for the same cause, and thanne hir sette
Upon an hors, snow-whit and wel amblyng,
And to his paleys, er he lenger lette,
390With joyful peple that hir ladde and mette
Conveyed hire; and thus the day they spende
In revel, til the sonne gan descende.
       This marquis her has married with a ring
Brought for the purpose there; and then has set
Upon a horse, snow-white and well ambling,
And to his palace, without longer let,
390With happy following folk and more they met,
Convoyed her home, and thus the day they spent
In revelry until the sun's descent.

Next Next:
From The Clerk's Tale, lines 393-441:
About Griselda's renown and reputation