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From The Clerk's Tale, lines 197-210:
About a poor village and its poorest inhabitants Janicula and his daughter Griselda
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Clerk's Tale
lines 211-231: About Griselda, the fairest under the sun

       But for to speke of vertuous beautee,
Thanne was she oon the faireste under sonne,
For povreliche yfostred up was she,
No likerous lust was thurgh hir herte yronne.
215Wel ofter of the welle than of the tonne
She drank, and for she wolde vertu plese
She knew wel labour but noon ydel ese.
       If one should speak of virtuous beauty,
Then was she of the fairest under sun;
Since fostered in dire poverty was she,
No luxurious lust in her heart had run;
215More often from the well than from the tun
She drank, and since she would chaste virtue please,
She knew work well, but knew not idle ease.

       But thogh this mayde tendre were of age,
Yet in the brest of hire virginitee
220Ther was enclosed rype and sad corage;
And in greet reverence and charitee
Hir olde povre fader fostred shee.
A fewe sheepe, spynnynge on feeld she kepte,
She wolde noght been ydel, til she slepte.
       But though this maiden tender was of age,
Yet in the breast of her virginity
220There was enclosed a ripe and grave courage;
And in great reverence and charity
Her poor old father fed and fostered she;
A few sheep grazing in a field she kept,
For she would not be idle till she slept.

225        And whan she homward cam, she wolde brynge
Wortes, or othere herbes tymes ofte,
The whiche she shredde and seeth for hir lyvynge,
And made hir bed ful harde and no thyng softe;
And ay she kepte hir fadres lyf on lofte
230With everich obeisaunce and diligence
That child may doon to fadres reverence.
225        And when she homeward came, why she would bring
Roots and green herbs, full many times and oft,
The which she'd shred and boil for her living,
And made her bed a hard one and not soft;
Her father kept she in their humble croft
230With what obedience and diligence
A child may do for father's reverence.

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From The Clerk's Tale, lines 232-245:
Lord Walter's thoughts about Griselda